The Cache Manager
Use the CacheManager to explicitly invalidate or refresh paths, URLs, routes, tags or responses with specific headers.
By invalidating a piece of content, you tell your caching proxy to no longer serve it to clients. When next requested, the proxy will fetch a fresh copy from the backend application and serve that instead.
By refreshing a piece of content, a fresh copy will be fetched right away.
These terms are explained in more detail in An Introduction to Cache Invalidation.
The cache manager is available in the Symfony DI container using autowiring
with the FOS\HttpCacheBundle\CacheManager
Make sure to configure your proxy for purging first.
Invalidate a path:
The flush()
method is explained below.
Invalidate a URL:
Invalidate a route:
$cacheManager->invalidateRoute('user_details', array('id' => 123));
Invalidate a regular expression:
$cacheManager->invalidateRegex('.*', 'image/png', array(''));
The cache manager offers a fluent interface:
->invalidateRoute('villain_details', array('name' => 'Jaws')
->invalidateRoute('villain_details', array('name' => 'Goldfinger')
->invalidateRoute('villain_details', array('name' => 'Dr. No')
and refreshRoute()
Make sure to configure your proxy for purging first.
Refresh a path:
Refresh a URL:
Refresh a Route:
$cacheManager->refreshRoute('user_details', array('id' => 123));
Internally, the invalidation requests are queued and only sent out to your HTTP proxy when the manager is flushed. The manager is flushed automatically at the right moment:
when handling a HTTP request, after the response has been sent to the client (Symfony’s kernel.terminate event)
when running a console command, after the command has finished (Symfony’s console.terminate event).
You can also flush the cache manager manually: