Annotations =========== Annotate your controller actions to invalidate routes and paths when those actions are executed. .. note:: Annotations need the SensioFrameworkExtraBundle including registering the Doctrine AnnotationsRegistry. Some features also need the ExpressionLanguage. Make sure to :ref:`install the dependencies first `. .. _invalidatepath: ``@InvalidatePath`` ------------------- Invalidate a path:: use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\Configuration\InvalidatePath; /** * @InvalidatePath("/articles") * @InvalidatePath("/articles/latest") */ public function editAction() { } From PHP 8, you can replace the doctrine annotations by PHP attributes:: use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\Configuration\InvalidatePath; #[InvalidatePath('/articles')] #[InvalidatePath('/articles/latest')] public function editAction() { } When `editAction()` returns a successful response to an :term:`unsafe ` HTTP request (POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE), the paths `/articles` and `/articles/latest` will be invalidated. See :doc:`/features/invalidation` for more information. .. _invalidateroute: ``@InvalidateRoute`` -------------------- Like InvalidatePath annotations, you can use PHP attributes instead if you are using PHP 8 Invalidate a route with parameters:: use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\Configuration\InvalidateRoute; /** * @InvalidateRoute("articles") * @InvalidateRoute("articles", params={"type" = "latest"}) */ public function editAction() { } Similarly to ``@InvalidatePath`` above, any successful response to an :term:`unsafe ` request will invalidate the two routes. You can also use expressions_ in the route parameter values. This obviously :ref:`requires the ExpressionLanguage component `. To invalidate route ``articles`` with the ``number`` parameter set to ``123``, do:: /** * @InvalidateRoute("articles", params={"number" = {"expression"="id"}}) */ public function editAction(Request $request, $id) { // Assume $request->attributes->get('id') returns 123 } The expression has access to all request attributes and the request itself under the name ``request``. See :doc:`/features/invalidation` for more information. .. _tag: ``@Tag`` -------- You can make this bundle tag your response automatically using the ``@Tag`` annotation. :term:`Safe ` operations like GET that produce a successful response will lead to that response being tagged; modifying operations like POST, PUT, or DELETE will lead to the tags being invalidated. When ``indexAction()`` returns a successful response for a safe (GET or HEAD) request, the response will get the tag ``news``. The tag is set in a custom HTTP header (``X-Cache-Tags``, by default). Any non-safe request to the ``editAction`` that returns a successful response will trigger invalidation of both the ``news`` and the ``news-123`` tags. Like InvalidatePath annotations, you can use PHP attributes instead if you are using PHP 8 Set/invalidate a tag:: /** * @Tag("news-article") */ public function showAction() { // ... } ``GET /news/show`` will Multiple tags are possible:: /** * @Tag("news") * @Tag("news-list") */ public function indexAction() { // ... } If you prefer, you can combine tags in one annotation:: /** * @Tag({"news", "news-list"}) */ You can also use expressions_ in tags. This obviously :ref:`requires the ExpressionLanguage component `. The following example sets the tag ``news-123`` on the Response:: /** * @Tag(expression="'news-'~id") */ public function showAction($id) { // Assume request parameter $id equals 123 } Or, using a `param converter`_:: /** * @Tag(expression="'news-'~article.getId()") */ public function showAction(Article $article) { // Assume $article->getId() returns 123 } See :doc:`/features/tagging` for an introduction to tagging. If you wish to change the HTTP header used for storing tags, see :doc:`/reference/configuration/tags`. .. _param converter: