Invalidation ============ **Works with**: * :ref:`Varnish ` * :ref:`Nginx ` (except regular expressions) * :doc:`symfony-http-cache` (except regular expressions) * Fastly (except regular expressions) **Preparation**: In order to invalidate cached objects, requests are sent to your caching proxy, so first: 1. :ref:`configure your proxy ` 2. :doc:`enable a proxy client ` By *invalidating* a piece of content, you tell your HTTP caching proxy to no longer serve it to clients. When next requested, the proxy will fetch a fresh copy from the backend application and serve that instead. By *refreshing* a piece of content, a fresh copy will be fetched right away. .. tip:: Invalidation can result in better performance compared to the validation caching model, but is more complex. Read the :ref:`Introduction to Cache Invalidation ` of the FOSHttpCache documentation to learn about the differences and decide which model is right for you. Cache Manager ------------- To invalidate single paths, URLs and routes manually, use the ``invalidatePath($path, $headers)`` and ``invalidateRoute($route, $params, $headers)`` methods on the cache manager:: use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\CacheManager; $cacheManager = $container->get(CacheManager::class); // Invalidate a path $cacheManager->invalidatePath('/users')->flush(); // Invalidate a URL $cacheManager->invalidatePath('')->flush(); // Invalidate a route $cacheManager->invalidateRoute('user_details', array('id' => 123))->flush(); // Invalidate a route or path with headers $cacheManager->invalidatePath('/users', array('X-Foo' => 'bar'))->flush(); $cacheManager->invalidateRoute('user_details', array('id' => 123), array('X-Foo' => 'bar'))->flush(); To invalidate multiple representations matching a regular expression, call ``invalidateRegex($path, $contentType, $hosts)``:: $cacheManager->invalidateRegex('.*', 'image/png', array('')); To refresh paths and routes, you can use ``refreshPath($path, $headers)`` and ``refreshRoute($route, $params, $headers)`` in a similar manner. See :doc:`/reference/cache-manager` for more information. .. tip:: If you want to add a header (such as ``Authorization``) to *all* invalidation requests, you can use a :ref:`custom HTTP client ` instead. .. _invalidation configuration: Configuration ------------- You can add invalidation rules to your application configuration: .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/config.yml fos_http_cache: invalidation: rules: - match: attributes: _route: "villain_edit|villain_delete" routes: villains_index: ~ # e.g., /villains villain_details: ~ # e.g., /villain/{id} Now when a request to either route ``villain_edit`` or route ``villain_delete`` returns a successful response, both routes ``villains_index`` and ``villain_details`` will be purged. See the :doc:`/reference/configuration/invalidation` configuration reference. Annotations ----------- Set the ``@InvalidatePath`` and ``@InvalidateRoute`` annotations to trigger invalidation from your controllers:: use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\Configuration\InvalidatePath; /** * @InvalidatePath("/articles") * @InvalidatePath("/articles/latest") * @InvalidateRoute("overview", params={"type" = "latest"})") * @InvalidateRoute("detail", params={"id" = {"expression"="id"}})") */ public function editAction($id) { } See the :doc:`/reference/annotations` reference. Console Commands ---------------- This bundle provides commands to trigger cache invalidation from the command line. You could also send invalidation requests with a command line tool like ``curl`` or, in the case of varnish, ``varnishadm``. But the commands simplify the task and will automatically talk to all configured cache instances. * ``fos:httpcache:invalidate:path`` accepts one or more paths and invalidates each of them. See :ref:`cache manager invalidation`. * ``fos:httpcache:refresh:path`` accepts one or more paths and refreshes each of them. See :ref:`cache manager refreshing`. * ``fos:httpcache:invalidate:regex`` expects a regular expression and invalidates all cache entries matching that expression. To invalidate your entire cache, you can specify ``.`` (dot) which will match everything. See :ref:`cache manager invalidation`. * ``fos:httpcache:invalidate:tag`` accepts one or more tags and invalidates all cache entries matching any of those tags. See :doc:`tagging`. If you need more complex interaction with the cache manager, best write your own commands and use the :doc:`cache manager ` to implement your specific logic.