Caching Headers =============== **Prerequisites**: *None* You can configure HTTP caching headers based on request and response properties. This configuration approach is more convenient than `manually setting cache headers`_ and an alternative to `setting caching headers through annotations`_. Set caching headers under the ``cache_control`` configuration section, which consists of a set of rules. When the request matches all criteria under ``match``, the headers under ``headers`` will be set on the response. A Response may already have cache headers set, e.g. by the controller method. By default, the options that already exist are not overwritten, but additional headers are added. You can force to overwrite the headers globally by setting ``cache_control.defaults.overwrite: true`` to true, or on a per rule basis with ``overwrite: true`` under ``headers``. This is an example configuration. For more, see the :doc:`/reference/configuration/headers` configuration reference. .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/config.yml fos_http_cache: cache_control: defaults: overwrite: true rules: # only match - match: host: ^$ headers: cache_control: { public: false, max_age: 0, s_maxage: 0 } etag: "strong" vary: [Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language] # match all actions of a specific controller - match: attributes: { _controller: ^AcmeBundle:Default:.* } headers: cache_control: { public: true, max_age: 15, s_maxage: 30 } last_modified: "-1 hour" # only match URLs having a specific parameter - match: query_string: (^|&)token= headers: cache_control: { public: false, max_age: 0, s_maxage: 0 } - match: path: ^/$ headers: cache_control: { public: true, max_age: 64000, s_maxage: 64000 } etag: "strong" vary: [Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language] # match everything to set defaults - match: path: ^/ headers: overwrite: false cache_control: { public: true, max_age: 15, s_maxage: 30 } etag: "strong" .. _manually setting cache headers: .. _setting caching headers through annotations: