
Works with:


  1. Configure caching proxy

  2. Your application must be reachable from the caching proxy through HTTP, so you need to have a web server running. If you already have a web server installed for development, you can use that. Alternatively, on PHP 5.4 or newer, you can use PHP’s built-in web server, for instance through FOS\HttpCache\Tests\Functional\WebServerListener.


If you wish to test your application caching and invalidation strategies against a live Varnish or Nginx instance, extend your test classes from ProxyTestCase. ProxyTestCase is an abstract base test class that in its turn extends Symfony’s WebTestCase. It offers some convenience methods for cache testing:

class YourTest extends ProxyTestCase
    public function testCachingHeaders()
        // Retrieve an URL from your application
        $response = $this->getResponse('/your/page');

        // Assert the response was a cache miss (came from the backend
        // application)

        // Assume the URL /your/page sets caching headers. If we retrieve
        // it again, we should have a cache hit (response delivered by the
        // caching proxy):
        $response = $this->getResponse('/your/page');

Test Client

The getResponse() method calls getHttpClient() to retrieve a test client. You can use this client yourself to customize the requests. Note that the test client must be enabled in your configuration. By default, it is enabled when you access your application in debug mode and you have configured a proxy client with base_url.

Controlling Your Caching Proxy

You can also use ProxyTestCase to control your caching proxy. First configure the proxy server:

// app/config/config_test.yml
                binary: /usr/sbin/varnishd
                port: 8080
                config_file: /etc/varnish/your-config.vcl

See also

The complete reference for the configuration for testing is in the test configuration section.

The custom @clearCache PHPUnit annotation will start the proxy server (if it was not yet running) and clear any previously cached content. This enables you to write isolated test cases:

use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\Test\ProxyTestCase;

class YourTest extends ProxyTestCase
     * @clearCache
    public function testMiss()
        // We can be sure this is a miss, because even if the content was
        // cached before, it has been cleared from the caching proxy.

You can annotate single test methods as well as classes with @clearCache. An annotated test class will restart and clear the caching proxy for each test case contained in the class.

You can also manually control your caching proxy:

use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\Test\ProxyTestCase;

class YourTest extends ProxyTestCase
    public function testMiss()
        // Start caching proxy

        // Clear proxy cache


        // Stop caching proxy